Friday 3 June 2016

Is your property under threat of 2018 M.E.P.S (M.E.E.S)?  (Click Here to find out)

See our M.E.P.S Blog.

The Solution - E.P.C Alpha Plus 

Best Compliance can give expert advice on how to best approach the new regulations, our primary solution for this is to undertake a unique survey called an E.P.C Alpha Plus, starting from as little as £200.
We recommend this for any properties with a current "E" grade or below as they are in immediate danger of falling foul of the 2018 M.E.P.S and give a risk management solution.
Firstly we cross check if there is a current commercial EPC attached to the building , and if so is it accurate and useable. We then undertake an in-depth energy survey of the property, before building up a sophisticated 3D energy model of the property and run it through multiple computer simulations to find the optimum solution(s). You are then supplied with up to 5 alternatives to gain a minimum of a D rating. However, we do not stop there! Our team are also able to cost the works, working from the simulations to provide estimates to show if it is within the 7 year payback period. Our goal is to find you the most cost effective and optimum method(s) to reach your required EPC.

What can I expect from my EPC Alpha Plus.
EPC Alpha plus is the highest report we undertake this includes previous stage 1 and stage 2 reports, but is accompanied by a stage 3, this incorporates costings to implement work and a typical pay back period which is a very important part of the new legislation.

We also write a detailed report stating what Lighting and HVAC improvements are recommended and their specification with regards to efficiency. For example replacing all existing T8 recessed lighting to LED lamps and fittings should achieve a minimum lamp and ballast efficacy of xx lumens/watt and a light output ratio of xx etc.

We use a tailored built in-house costing software, using quotations from previous jobs and reputable price books, accompanied by location factors and tender priced indexes which will enable you to have outlined competitive costings to undertake the works.

All this is put together in a comprehensive professional report and is becoming the most popular service we provide.

For an example of our EPC Alpha Plus please click here ©

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